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Computation and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE). 2008. Available at: http://www.cosyne.org/c/images/8/8e/Cosyne_pf_new.pdf.\par \par Li N, DiCarlo JJ. Unsupervised Natural Experience Rapidly Alters Invariant Object Representation in Visual Cortex. Science. 2008;321:1502 - 1507. doi:10.1126/science.1160028.\par \par Li N, DiCarlo JJ. Unsupervised natural experience rapidly alters invariant object representation in visual cortex. Society for Neuroscience. 2008:316.5. Available at: https://www.abstractsonline.com/Plan/ViewAbstract.aspx?sKey=ee83e7f7-5aea-4ec8-a948-436658d20e37&cKey=9a873eb3-f8d3-48b5-8df9-9f7b2ef0a3d9&mKey=%7bAFEA068D-D012-4520-8E42-10E4D1AF7944%7d.\par \par Pinto N, Cox DD, Corda B, Doukhan D, DiCarlo JJ. Why is real-world object recognition hard?: Establishing honest benchmarks and baselines for object recognition. Computation and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE). 2008.\par \par Pinto N, Cox DD, DiCarlo JJ. Why is Real-World Visual Object Recognition Hard?. Friston KJ. 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Flexible and robust object recognition in inferior temporal cortex supported by neurons with limited position and clutter tolerance. Society for Neuroscience. 2006.\par \par de Beeck HPOp, Deutsch JA, Vanduffel W, Kanwisher N, DiCarlo JJ. A large-scale shape map in monkey inferior temporal cortex. Society for Neuroscience. 2006.\par \par Kourtzi Z, DiCarlo JJ. Learning and neural plasticity in visual object recognition. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2006;16(2):152 - 158. doi:10.1016/j.conb.2006.03.012.\par \par DiCarlo JJ. Making faces in the brain. Nature. 2006;442:644 - 644. doi:10.1038/nature05000.\par \par Kreiman G, Hung CP, Kraskov A, Quiroga RQuian, Poggio T, DiCarlo JJ. Object Selectivity of Local Field Potentials and Spikes in the Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex. Neuron. 2006;49(3):433 - 445. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2005.12.019.\par \par Zoccolan D, Kouh M, Poggio T, DiCarlo JJ. Trade-off between shape selectivity and tolerance to identity-preserving transformations in monkey inferotemporal cortex. Gordon Conference: Sensation and the Natural Environment. 2006.\par \par Cox DD, DiCarlo JJ. Is the ?binding problem? a problem in inferiotemporal cortex?. Society for Neuroscience. 2005.\par \par Cox DD, Meier P, Oertelt N, DiCarlo JJ. 'Breaking' position-invariant object recognition. Nature Neuroscience. 2005;8(9):1145 - 1147. doi:10.1038/nn1519.\par \par Hung CP, Kreiman G, Poggio T, DiCarlo JJ. Fast Readout of Object Identity from Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex. Science. 2005;310:863 - 866. doi:10.1126/science.1117593.\par \par Zoccolan D, Cox DD, DiCarlo JJ. Multiple Object Response Normalization in Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 2005;25(36):8150 - 8164. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2058-05.2005.\par \par Zoccolan D, Cox DD, DiCarlo JJ. Multiple object response normalization in monkey inferotemporal cortex. 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Society for Neuroscience. 1996.\par \par Twombly IA, DiCarlo JJ, Hsiao SS, Johnson KO. Linear and non-linear processing of tactile spatial form in area 3b of the awake macaque. Society for Neuroscience. 1996.\par \par DiCarlo JJ, Lane JW, Hsiao SS, Johnson KO. Marking microelectrode penetrations with fluorescent dyes. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 1996;64(1):75 - 81. doi:10.1016/0165-0270(95)00113-1.\par \par Hsiao SS, DiCarlo JJ, Johnson KO. Animals, Brain, Electrophysiology, Fluorescent Dyes, Macaca mulatta, Microelectrodes, Neurosciences. Biomedical Engineering Society. 1995.\par \par DiCarlo JJ, Hsiao SS, Johnson KO. Transformation of tactile spatial form within a cortical column in area 3b of the macaque. Society for Neuroscience. 1994.\par \par Schmajuk NA, DiCarlo JJ. Stimulus configuration, classical conditioning, and hippocampal function. Psychological Review. 1992;99(2):268 - 305. doi:10.1037/0033-295X.99.2.268.\par \par Schmajuk NA, DiCarlo JJ. 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