
DiCarlo lab meetings are held every Thursday at 12:30 in room 46-6199. Below is a list of previous and upcoming presentations.

9/17/2020 – Chong- Journal Club Meeting
Titsias MK, Schwarz J, Matthews AG, Pascanu R, Teh YW. Functional Regularisation for Continual Learning with Gaussian Processes. arXiv:1901.11356. 2019 Jan 31.

9/10/2020 – Jim- Journal Club Meeting
Bzdok D and Ioannidis JP. Exploration, Inference, and Prediction in Neuroscience and Biomedicine. Trends in Neurosciences. 2019 Apr 1;42(4):251-62.

9/3/2020 – Ko
Data, metrics and benchmarks to objectively evaluate dynamic neural network models of core object recognition

8/27/2020 – Tiago
Evaluating psychophysical detectability of image perturbations and adversarial attacks and their impact in object recognition behavior

8/20/2020 – Ko
Linking image-by-image population dynamics in the macaque inferior temporal cortex to core object recognition behavior

8/13/2020 – Martin and Jim- Journal Club Meeting
Lillicrap TP, Santoro A, Marris L, Akerman CJ, Hinton G. Backpropagation and the brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2020 Apr 17:1-2.

8/4/2020 – Ajani Stewart & Yahiya Hussain
CBMM/MSRP practice talk – modelling LGN responses with CNNs 

7/30/2020 – Robert
Recurrence and back-prop Part II

7/23/2020 – Tiago – Journal Club Meeting
Geirhos R, Meding K, Wichmann FA. Beyond accuracy: quantifying trial-by-trial behaviour of CNNs and humans by measuring error consistency. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.16736.

7/16/2020 – Robert
Recurrence and back-prop Part I

7/9/2020 – Ajani Stewart & Yahiya Hussain
Modelling LGN responses with CNNs 

7/2/2020 – Ratan – Journal Club Meeting
Bao P, She L, McGill M, Tsao DY. A map of object space in primate inferotemporal cortex. Nature. 2020 Jun 3:1-6.

6/26/2020 – Tiago/Joel/Jenelle Feather – Joint lab meeting with McDermott Lab
V1 projects on adversarial robustness 

6/11/2020 – Jim
Racial equality in the lab, department and MIT 

6/5/2020 – Ko – Journal Club Meeting
1. Richards, B. A., Lillicrap, T. P., Beaudoin, P., Bengio, Y., Bogacz, R., Christensen, A., … & Gillon, C. J. (2019). A deep learning framework for neuroscience. Nature neuroscience, 22(11), 1761-1770.

2. Saxe, A., Nelli, S., & Summerfield, C. (2020). If deep learning is the answer, then what is the question?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07580

5/22/2020 – Tiago and Joel
VOneNets and adversarial robustness Part II

5/14/2020 – Franzi
Wiring Up Vision: Minimizing Supervised Synaptic Updates Needed to Produce a Primate Ventral Stream

4/30/2020 – Sachi
Lab data cleaning protocol Part III

4/24/2020 – Sachi
Lab data cleaning protocol Part II

4/21/2020 – Tiago and Joel
VOneNets and adversarial robustness Part I

4/15/2020 – Michael
Present manuscript figures

4/9/2020 – Sachi
Lab data cleaning protocol Part I

4/2/2020 – Hyo
Practice Thesis Defense talk Part II

3/26/2020 – Hyo
Practice Thesis Defense talk Part I

3/16/2020 – Jim
COVID re-group

3/9/2020 – General Meeting
COSYNE recap

3/5/2020 – Memming Park
Real-time neuroscience tools: powerful nonlinear joint filtering algorithms and test platforms (analog circuits)

2/25/2020 – Charles Findling – Postdoc Candidate
Computational learning noise in reward-guided environments

2/13/2020 -Ko
Making sense of the image-grain linear separability of objects across imperfect DCNN layers

2/6/2020 – Daniel Forger
Large scale simulations with H-H dynamics

1/30/2020 – General Meeting
Monkey Machine (data pipeline) discussion

1/23/2020 – Victor Boutin
Developing a vision model that conciliates Predictive Coding and Sparse Coding into a convolutional framework

1/16/2020 – Franziska Geiger
Brain-Score update

1/9/2020 – Yoon Bai- Postdoc Candidate
Macaque neurophysiology and human psychophysics

1/2/2020 – Bengio and Marcus AI debate

12/19/2019 – Martin and Hyo
NeurIPs recap 

12/12/2019 – Jim
Review Jim’s colloquium talk and presentation style 

12/5/2019 – Jim
Practice talk

11/27/2019 – Martin
Practice talk

11/21/2019 – Simon Bohn-Afraz Lab
Optical arrays in macaques

11/14/2019 – Kamila
Project update

10/31/2019 – Giuseppe Chindemi- Postdoc Candidate
Large scale simulations to elucidate the principles of unsupervised learning in neocortex

10/24/2019 – Ko
EITN practice talk

10/10/2019 – Ko
PFC incactivation: temporal dynamics metrics

9/26/2019 – Jonas Kubilius
Three-D World (TDW) Update 

9/26/2019 – 5 Minute Speed talks
Each lab member gives project updates 

9/19/2019 – Thomas O’Connell
“Zero-shot” decoding

9/5/2019 – Tiago
V1 Metrics update

8/15/2019 – Robert
Lifelong Learning CBRIC talk

8/1/2019 – Pouya
Practice job talk

6/10/2019 – Mazen Al Borno- Postdoc Candidate
Computational models simulating human movement

6/10/2019 – Aleksander Madry
Adversarial robustness

6/6/2019 – Tiago 
V1 metrics and Brain-Score Update

5/23/2019 – Pouya  Practice job talk 

5/16/2019 – Kamila
Project Update

5/8/2019 – Joel
Neural manifolds Part II

5/1/2019 – SueYeon
Neural manifolds Part I

4/23/2019 – Tiago
Practice fellowship talk 

4/17/2019 – Pouya 
Practice job talk 

4/11/2019 – Ratan
ECoG probe recordings in primate IT

4/04/2019 – Ko and Jocasta
Representation of visual object motion in the primate ventral stream

3/28/2019 – Jim and Martin

3/26/2019 – Daniel Bear
SNAIL Research Thrusts:Recurrence & Intuitive physics

3/25/2019 – Eshed Margalit and Daniel Bear
SNAIL Research Thrusts:Topographic Deep Artificial Neural Networks (TDANNs)

3/21/2019 – Tiago
V1 Metrics

2/28/2019 – Kamila and Ko
COSYNE Practice Talks

2/14/2019 – Kamila
Dimensionality-monkey/human comparisons

2/07/2019 – Katerina Malakhova
Applying GANs for visualization of information encoded by neurons in IT cortex.

1/31/2019 – Xulu Sun
Postdoc Candidate

12/20/2018 – Michael
Comparisons of monkey, human, and model learning rates in novel object discrimination tasks

12/13/2018 – Scott Brincat

12/6/2018 – Joel and Anton
Manifold Separability

11/29/2018 – Rishi – Journal Club
Thalamic regulation of switching between cortical representations enables cognitive flexibility

10/25/2018 – Kamila
Practice Talk

10/18/2018 – Bin Yu
Three principles of data science: predictability, computability, and stability (PCS)

9/13/2018 – Ratan – Journal Club
Face Space Representations in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

8/09/2018 – Tiago Marques
Postdoc Candidate Talk: Mechanisms of Visual Perception in the Mouse Visual Cortex

7/02/2018 – Brianna Marsh
MSRP Project

6/05/2018 – Darren
Practice Defense Talk

5/28/2018 – Michael
Reinforcement Learning

6/14/2018 – Jim
Orthographic Processing

5/24/2018 – Rishi
Project update

5/17/2018 – Vivienne Sze
Energy Efficient Neural Networks

5/10/2018 – Till Hartmann
Computational Models of V1

5/03/2018 – Xinqiang Ding
Postdoc Candidate

4/19/2018 – Michael
Statistical Estimators

3/29/2018 – Ko
Project update

3/22/2018 – Rishi
Project update

3/15/2018 – Haim Sompolinksy (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
General discussion

2/15/2018 – Guy Ben-Yosef (Poggio Lab)
Interpretation of minimal images

2/8/2018 – Pouya – Journal Club
Deep convolutional models improve predictions of macaque V1 responses to natural images

1/25/2018 – Shilpa Garg (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany)
Computational haplotyping

12/21/2017 – Ko
Project update

12/14/2017 – Darren
Project Update

12/7/2017 – DiCarlo and Poggio Joint Lab Meeting
CBMM projects

11/30/2017 – Wei-Long Zheng- (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Multimodal emotional responses

11/9/2017 – Xavier Bosch and Yena Han (Poggio Lab)
CBMM project update

10/26/2017 – Michael Halassa
Attention and executive function

10/19/2017 – Rishi – Journal Club
The Contribution of Area MT to Visual Motion Perception Depends on Training

9/28/2017 – Jonas
Project update

8/10/2017 – Michael Arcaro (NYU)
Ventral stream development

7/3/2017 – SueYeon Chung (Harvard University)
Manifold Separability

6/15/2017 – Robert Ajemian
Plasticity-stability dilemma

5/25/2017 – Jonas
Experimental update

5/18/2017 – Darik Gamble (Johns Hopkins University)
Physiological characterization of parabelt auditory cortex in the awake, behaving marmoset monkey

5/11/2017 – Marc Howard (Boston University)
Temporal correlations

4/27/2017 – Rishi – Journal Club
A causal relationship between face-patch activity and face-detection behavior

4/20/2017 – Pouya

4/13/2017 – Jim

4/6/2017 – Michael
Neural bases of object learning

3/16/2017 – Darren – Journal Club
Learning to reinforcement learn

3/2/2017 – Hyo
Spatial mapping of model to neuronal features

2/23/2017 – Jonas
Neural Fits

2/2/2017 – Michael – Journal Club
Dynamic Interaction between Reinforcement Learning and Attention in Multidimensional Environments

12/8/2016 – Robert Ajemian – Journal Club
Opinion: Science in the age of selfies

Tensor Analysis Reveals Distinct Population Structure that Parallels the Different Computational Roles of Areas M1 and V1

12/1/2016 – Jim
Project Reviews/Updates

11/10/2016 – Harry – UROP Student
Hybrid computing using a neural network with dynamic external memory

10/27/2016 – Josh Wardell
Open Ephys Hardware/Software Demo

10/20/2016 – Elias – DiCarlo & Harnett Joint lab Meeting
Top-down cortical input during NREM sleep consolidates perceptual memory

A Top-Down Cortical Circuit for Accurate Sensory Perception

10/13/2016 – Rishi – Journal Club
Posterior inferotemporal cortex cells use multiple visual pathways to complement fine and coarse discriminations?

10/6/2016 – Ko
Update on Utah Array Recordings

9/29/2016 – Pouya
Data Formatting

9/15/2016 – Jonas
Practice Talk

9/8/2016 – Journal Club
Optical approaches and techniques
The need for calcium imaging in nonhuman primates: new motor neuroscience and brain-machine interfaces.
Efficient Receptive Field Tiling in Primate V1.

7/28/2016 – Maryann
Adding a Temporal Dimension to CNNs through Bypass Connections and Recurrencies

7/7/2106 – Michael
Literature review on the location and creation of IT neural readouts

6/30/2106 – Walter Sheirer
Neural metrics (neurons vs. models; behavior vs. models)

6/28/2016 – Lab Retreat
A day to discuss future directions and projects within the lab

6/16/2016 – Ko
“Updates on and Preliminary Results of Utah Array Recordings: active vs passive, easy vs hard images and beyond..” 

6/9/2016 – Joint Lab Meeting
Dicarlo, Cox, & Tenenbaum labs discuss Deep Predictive Coding Networks for Video Prediction and Unsupervised Learning and relevant projects. 

6/2/2016 – Journal Club
Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor?

5/19/2016 – Dan
VSS recap and 3D Virtual World Tutorial

5/12/2016 – Dan
Review of Dan’s 3D Virtual World

5/5/2016 – Jonas 
VSS practice talk: “Deep Neural Networks as a Computational Model for Human Shape Sensitivity”

4/28/2016 – Ko
“how well can IT neurons explain human (image level) performance? and “how consistent are monkeys and human performances (at the image level) for natural (Microsoft COCO) images?”

4/21/2016 – Arash & Mehrdad
“What can brain perturbation tell us about the brain function”

4/14/2016 – Shay

4/7/2016 – Ruth Rosenholtz
“Attention : What we learned from studying peripheral vision”

3/31/16 – Hyo
“Optimizing DNNs for Object Latent Variables”

3/24/16 – Jonas
Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision
Ullman, S., Assif, L., Fetaya, E., & Harari, D
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2016), 113(10), 2744–2749. 

3/10/16 – Dan
Learning Physical Intuition of Block Towers by Example
Lerer A, Gross S, Fergus R
arXiv:1603.01312 (2016). 

2/25/16 – Kailyn
DCM protocols and procedures overview

2/18/16 – Darren
Neural GPUs learn algorithms
Kaiser, Łukasz, and Ilya Sutskever
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.08228 (2015).

Neural Programmer-Interpreters
de Freitas, Nando
No. arXiv: 1511.06279. 2015.

2/4/16 – Asim
Human-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction
Lake, Brenden M., Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Joshua B. Tenenbaum
Science 350.6266 (2015): 1332-1338.

1/28/16 – Dan
Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search
Silver, David, et al.
Nature 529.7587 (2016): 484-489.

1/21/16 – Elias
“Behavior, neurons, and computation: an integrated approach to understanding how the brain solves visual object recognition”

1/14/16 – Hyo 
Stacked What-Where Auto-Encoders
Zhao, Junbo, et al.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.02351 (2015).

12/9/15 – Rishi

12/1/2015 – Chengxu Zhuang (visiting Masters student)
“Emergence of Functional and Perceptual?Signatures of Visual Cortex in Hierarchical? Models of Vision”  

11/19/2015 – Drew Linsley (BC)
“Object and spatial layout crosstalk before scene recognition”

11/18/2015 – Ankit Patel (Rice University)
“How and why does deep learning work? A first principles theory with applications to machine learning, neuroscience & robotics”

10/29/2015 – Shay

“Deep Brain Imaging: Year One Summary”

10/22/2015 – Lab SFN recap

10/15/2015 – Arash
“The Art of Rhetoric: Why should the modern scientist know about it”

9/24/15 – Bria Long (Harvard)
“Mid-levvel perceptual featuers contain broad category information”

8/20/15 – Dan
Neural Turing Machines
Graves A, Wayne G, and Danihelka I
Google DeepMind, London UK (Dec 2014)

5/6/15 – Ilker Yildirim (Tenenbaum lab)
“Efficient analysis-by-synthesis in vision: A computational framework, behavioral tests, and comparison with neural representations”

4/30/15 – Hyo
“A Deep CNN for Geometric Tasks”

4/23/15 – Rishi

4/9/15 – Rosa Lafer-Sousa (Kanwisher lab)
“Color-biased cortex lies between face-selective and place-selective cortex, as in macaque monkeys”

3/19/15 – Shay
Arduino demonstration

3/4/15 – Darren
Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
Mnih, Volodymyr, et al.
Nature 518.7540 (2015): 529-533.

2/26/15 – Elias
COSYNE practice talk

1/29/15 – Tahereh

1/22/15 – Dan
“Using Behaviorally-Driven Computational Models to Uncover Principles of Cortical Representation”

1/8/15 – Tahereh & Diego
“Mind the Gap: Models to Humans. Data presentation and discussion about benchmarking for behavioral Consistency”

12/18/14 – Sam Norman-Haignere
“Discovering the Functional Organization of Human Auditory Cortex Using Responses to Natural Sounds”

12/4/14 – Justin Vincent (Livingstone Lab)
“Neuroimaging of the Developing Visual System”

11/13/14 – Xiaoxuan
SFN poster presentation “A quantitative link between unsupervised neuronal plasticity in inferior temporal cortex and unsupervised human object learning”

10/30/14 – Jim
A Channel for 3D Environmental Shape in Anterior Inferotemporal Cortex
Vaziri S, Carlson ET, Wang Z, Connor CE
Neuron, 2014, 84(1):55-62.

10/15/14 – James Fitzgerald, Emily Mackevicius & Kenyon Tsai
Deep networks as a model system for neuroscience: a proposed CBMM challenege

10/9/14 – Christina Buetfering (Monyer lab)
Parvalbumin interneurons provide grid cell-driven recurrent inhibition in the medial entorhinal cortex.”

10/2/14 – Ha
Hands-on tutorial for web-based human psychophysics

9/25/14 – Shay
“Emerging Technologies for Deep Brain Imaging”

9/18/14 – Arash
“Reductionistic approach to understanding perception: A brief history of modern cognitive sciences”

9/11/14 – Dan
Recent work and future projects

8/21/14 – Diego
Recent work in tasks on humans and machines

8/14/14 – Rishi
“Is the monkey is a good model of human visual processing: a quantitative comparison of object recognition behavior in human and macaque.”

8/7/14 – Darren
Unsupervised learning work

7/31/14 – Ruth Rosenholtz (Joint labs)
Discussion on popular assumptions in thinking about vision and encourage proposals for how we might be able to use models (such as the HMO model) to examine these assumptions.

6/12/14 – Xiaoxuan
Update on recent project

6/5/14 – Jim
Discussion of lab projects

5/15/14 – Ha (VSS practice talk)
“Large-scale Characterization of a Universal and Compact Visual Perceptual Space”

5/8/14 – Sam Anthony (Nakayama Lab) – Joint meeting with Kanwisher Lab
“Beyond Ground Truth: Turning Machine Learning (Back) Into Psychology”

5/1/14 – SueYeon Chung (Somplolinksy Lab)
“Nonlinear neural network models for invariant perception”

4/17/14 – Narcisse
“Neural mechanisms of feature based attention”

4/10/14 – Diego

4/3/14 – John Tsotsos
“Recurrent Processes in Vision: Searching for Evidence”

3/25/14 – Baktash Babadi
“Sparseness and expansion in sensory representations”

3/6/14 – COSYNE recap

2/6/14 – Chris & Jim
MWorks updates and Pspace discussions

1/30/14 – Elias 
Practice talk

1/22/14 – Xiaoxuan
Learning project

1/16/14 – Ha
Practice talks

1/8/14 – Rishi
Conceptual metaphorical mapping in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Christoph D Dahl, Ikuma Adachi
eLife 2013;2:e00932.

11/6/13 – Cesar Echavarria (Tootell lab) “Thinking outside the box: rectilinear shapes selectively activate scene-responsive cortex”
Arash– SFN talk

10/31/13 – Group discussion

10/24/13 – Darren
Temporal cortex neurons encode articulated actions as slow sequences of integrated poses
Singer J & Sheinberg DL
J Neurosci 2010, 30(8):3133-45.

 10/16/13 – Dan
“Topics Encountered in (Reviewer) Criticism of Our Work, and Strategies for Handling it” 

10/10/13 – Ralf Haefner (Brandeis University)

9/26/13 – Diego
Trade-off between curvature tuning and position invariance in visual area V4
Sharpee TO, Kouh M, Reynolds JH
PNAS, 2013, 110(28):11618-23.

9/12/13 – Arash

9/5/13 – Elias
Statistically optimal perception and learning: from behavior to neural representations
Fiser , Berkes P, Orban G, Lengyel M
Trends Cogn Sci, 2010, 14(3):119-30.

8/29/13 – Charles
Discussion on latest advances in deep learning

8/22/13 – Leyla (Poggio) 
“The dynamics of invariant object recognition in humans”

8/15/13 – Jim
Classification of Faces in Man and Machine
Graf, AB et al
Neural Computation, 2006, 18:143-165.

8/8/13 – Rishi
Signals in inferotemporal and perirhinal cortex suggest an untangling of visual target information
Pagan M, Urban LS, Wohl M, Rust NC
Nature Neuroscience, 2013 Jun 23, 16: 1132-1139

7/18/13 – Reza (Desimone), Joint lab meeting with Kanwisher
“Functional parcellation of human visual cortex.”

7/11/13 – Grant (Desimone)
PEEK implants 

7/3/13 – Xiaoxuan
Quantifying the Internal Structure of Categories Using a Neural Typicality Measure
Davis T, Poldrack RA
Cereb Cortex, 2013 Feb 26.

6/27/13 – Joel (Poggio)
A functional and perceptual signature of the second visual area in primates
J Freeman, C Ziemba, D J Heeger, E P Simoncelli and J A Movshon
Nature Neuroscience, 2013 May 13, 16: 974–981.

6/20/13- Michael Cohen (Harvard), Joint lab meeting with Kanwisher
“Overlap in high-level neural channels predicts behavioral performance.”

6/13/13 – Baktash Babadi (Harvard)
“Sparse and Expansive Cortical Representations in Sensory Processing”

6/5/13 – Chris Kanan (UCSD)
“Gnostic Fields: A brain-inspired model for image categorization.”

5/30/13 – Dan
Practice talk for MIBR retreat

5/23/13 – Elias
Attention during natural vision warps semantic representation across the human brain

Cukur et al
Nat Neurosci, 2013 Apr 21.

5/16/13 – Ethan
Objectome work

4/25/13 – Charles
Practice talk for ICLR conference

4/18/13 – Ha
“Computing internal consistency with Spearman-Brown prediction formula.”

4/11/13 – Dan
Data presentation

4/4//13 – Jim

3/29/13 – Arash
What and Where Information in the Caudate Tail Guides Saccades to Visual Objects
Yamamoto S, Monosov IE, Yasuda M, Hikosaka O
J Neurosci, 2012 Aug 8, 32(32): 11005-11016.

3/21/13 – Cory Miller (UCSD)
Natural Behavior and Primate Cortex 3/7/13 – COSYNE recap

2/27/13 – Diego

2/14/13 – Charles
COSYNE practice talk

1/31/13 – Arash
“Time, intentionality and conscious perception: a review over Benjamin Libet’s works.”

1/23/13 – Charles
Kernal Analysis

1/17/13 – Elias
Correlated variability in laminar cortical circuits (supplement)

Hansen BJ, Chelaru MI, Dragoi V. 

Neuron. 2012 Nov 8;76(3):590-602.


1/10/13 – Kailyn
Individualized recording chambers for non-human primate neurophysiology

McAndrew RM, VanGilder JL, Naufel SN, Tillery SI
J Neurosci Methods, 2012 Apr 5, 207(1): 86-90.

1/3/13 – Jim

12/20/12 – Xiaoxuan
A Common, High-Dimensional Model of the Representational Space in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex
Haxby JV, Guntupalli JS, Connolly AC, Halchenko YO, Conroy BR, Gobbini MI, Hanke M, Ramadge PJ

Neuron, 2011 Oct, 72(2): 404-416.


12/13/12 – Ha

On the prediction of confusion matrices from similarity judgments 

Getty DJ, Swets JA, Swets JB, and Green DM 

Perception and Psychophysics, 1979 Jan, 26(1): 1-19.


12/6/12 – Ethan

Similarity relations in visual search predict rapid visual categorization 

Mohan K & Arun SP. 

J of Vision, 23 Oct 2012, doi: 10.1167/12.11.19


11/29/12 – James Hays (Brown University)
“How to Humans Sketch Objects?”
11/14/12 – Talia Konkle (Caramazza lab)
“Object Topography in Occipito-Temporal Cortex”
11/1/12 – Krishna Shrihasam (Livingstone lab)
“Behavioral experise and domain formation as a consequence of early but not late symbol training”
10/25/12 – Jim
Default paradigm for neural basis of object recognition
10/17/12 – Elias
SFN re-cap
10/4/12 – Charles
Discussion of approaches and directions of his work.
9/27/12 – Elias
Herculano-Houzel S
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2012 Jun 26; 109 Suppl 1:10661-8. Review.
9/20/12 – Robert (Bizzi lab)
Churchland MM, Cunningham JP, Kaufman MT, Foster JD, Nuyujukian P, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV
Nature. 2012 Jul 5; 487(7405):51-6.

9/6/12 – Jim
Lab computing/storage

8/30/12 – Cesar
“Breaking Position Invariance Under Natural Viewing Conditions”

8/23/12 – Dan
“Beyond ‘variation 10’: what is the right next task?”

8/16/12 – Joel (Poggio lab)
Leibo JZ, Mutch J, Poggio T. 
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2011 December; Granada Spain
8/9/12 – Arash
Butler, AB. 
Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences. 2000 Sep. 29; 355: 1309-1313
8/2/12 – Xiaoxuan
“Spatiotemporal continuity and pose tolerance formation”
7/26/12 – Ha
Willmore B, Mazer JA, Gallant JL
J Neurophys. 2011 April 6; 105: 2907-2919.
7/19/12 – Paul
Ohayon S, Freiwald WA, Tsao DY
Neuron. 2012 May 10; 74: 567-581.
Qualitative Representations for Recognition

Sinha P
In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2002), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2525, pp 249-262.
7/12/12 – Jim
Meyer T, Olson CR
PNAS. 2011 Nov 29; 108(48): 19401-6.
7/5/12 – Ethan
Discussion on Mechanical Turk
6/14/12 – Christian Leistner (Computer Vision Lab ETH Zurich)
“Learning and Improving Object Class Detectors from Unlabeled or Weakly-Labeled Videos
6/7/12 – Charles & Nicolas
Kernel analysis methods
5/31/12 – Zak Stone (Harvard)
“Face Identification in the Internet Era”
5/24/12 – Arash
Purushothaman G, Marion R, Li K, Casagrande VA
Nat Neurosci. 2012 May 6; 15: 905-912.
5/16/12 – Dan
“Finding effective blended models for high-invariance recognition problems”
5/10/12 – Charles
Preliminary data
4/19/12 – Elias
Woloszyn L, Sheinberg DL
Neuron. 2012 Apr 12; 74(1): 193-205.
4/5/12 – Jim
Follow up on lab projects
3/29/12 – Edith
Practice Talk for VSS
3/22/12 – Dan
Title: Invariant Object Recognition via the Invariant Variables
3/15/12 – Baktash Babadi
Title: Pairwise Analysis Can Account for Network Structures Arising from Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity
3/1/12 – Charles
Discussion of preliminary approches and directions of his work.
2/16/12 – Elias
Saygin ZM, Osher DE, Koldewyn K, Reynolds G, Gabrieli JD, Saxe RR.
Nat Neurosci. 2011 Dec 25;15(2):321-7. doi: 10.1038/nn.3001.
2/9/12 – Najib

Practice talk for COSYNE


2/2/12 – Jim

Lab projects overview


1/26/12 – Ha

Practice talk for Qual


1/12/12 – Cesar

Data presentation


1/5/12 – Dan

Representing exact number visually using mental abacus

Frank MC & Barner D

J of Experimental Psychology, 18 July 2011, doi: 10.1037/a002442


12/7/11 – Arash and Baktash Babadi
“Poppering Popper: what happened in philosphy of science after Popper”

12/1/11 – Data volume organization w/in lab

11/17/11 – Post-SFN discussion

11/3/11 – Elias
Practice talk for SFN

10/27/11 – Xiaoxuan Jia (Kohn Lab, Albert Einstein College of Medicine)

10/13/11 – Justin Jungé (Harvard)

10/6/11 – Elias

Metamers of the ventral stream

Freeman J & Simoncelli EP

Nature Neuroscience, 14 August 2011, 14):1195-1201; doi: 10.1038/nn.2889


9/22/11 – Nicole Rust


9/15/11 – Jim

Discussion topics from recently attended Computer Vision and Neural Computation workshops


9/8/11 – Paul

(Joint with Kanwisher)

Relationship between Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Identified Regions and Neuronal Category Selectivity

Bell AH, Malecek NJ, Morin EL, Hadj-Bouziane F, Tootell RBH, Ungerleider LG

Journal of Neuroscience, 24 August 2011, 31(34):12229-12240; doi: 10.1523/​JNEUROSCI.5865-10.201


9/1/11 – Hossein Esteky


8/25/11 – Brenton McMenamin (Kersten)


8/11/11 – Naveen Rao (Donoghue)


8/4/11 – Reza Rajimehr (Desimone)

The “Parahippocampal Place Area” Responds Preferentially to High Spatial Frequencies in Humans and Monkeys

Rajimehr R, Devaney KJ, Bilenko NY, Young JC, Tootell RBH

PLoS Biol 9(4): e1000608. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000608


7/29/11 – Ha

Data presentation


7/28/11 – Satch Sokol (Movshon)


7/27/11 – Darren (summer student)

Data presentation


6/16/11 – Guest Steven Grossberg


6/8/11 – Elias

Practice presentation for the McGovern Retreat


5/25/11 – Paul

fMRI of the Face-Processing Network in the Ventral Temporal Lobe of Awake and Anesthetized Macaques.

Shih-Pi Ku, Andreas S. Tolias, Nikos K. Logothetis, Jozien Goense

Neuron – 28 April 2011 (Vol. 70, Issue 2, pp. 352-362)


05/19/11 – Najib

Recognizing depth-rotated objects: evidence and conditions for three-dimensional viewpoint invariance.

Biederman I, Gerhardstein PC.

J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 1993 Dec;19(6):1162-82. Erratum in: J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 1994 Feb;20(1):80.


05/12/11 – Dan

Computational work on synthetic images


04/21/11 – Supratim Ray (Maunsell)

Gamma rhythms in visual cortex


Different origins of gamma rhythm and high-gamma activity in macaque visual cortex.

Ray S, Maunsell JH.

PLoS Biol. 2011 Apr;9(4):e1000610. Epub 2011 Apr 12.


Differences in gamma frequencies across visual cortex restrict their possible use in computation.

Ray S, Maunsell JH.

Neuron. 2010 Sep 9;67(5):885-96.


04/06/11 – Simon (Kanwisher)

(Joint with Kanwisher)

PPA fMRI data


03/31/11 – Paul

Own-species bias in the representations of monkey and human face categories in the primate temporal lobe.

Sigala R, Logothetis NK, Rainer G.

J Neurophysiol. 2011 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print]


03/24/11 – Ethan

Human psychophysics data


03/17/11 – Dan

The discovery of structural form.

Kemp C, Tenenbaum JB.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Aug 5;105(31):10687-92. Epub 2008 Jul 31.


03/10/11 – Idan Blank (Yovel)


03/03/11 – Edith

Psychophysics data


02/10/11 – Pantea

Computational work


01/27/11 – Elias

Preliminary data


01/13/11 – Ethan (Poggio)

Using neural population decoding to gain new insights into high level visual processing


12/9/10 – Baktash Babadi (Abbott)

Stability and competition in models of spike-timing dependent plasticity.


12/8/10 – Sam (Kanwisher)

(Joint with Kanwisher)

Functional compartmentalization and viewpoint generalization within the macaque face-processing system.

Freiwald WA, Tsao DY.

Science. 2010 Nov 5;330(6005):845-51.


11/18/10 –  Elias

“The chains model for detecting parts by their context”(Karlinsky, Dinerstein, Harari, Ullman CVPR 2010)


11/11/10  –  Arash

(Joint with Kanwisher)



10/28/10  –  Chris



10/14/10  –  Najib

Cholinergic enhancement augments magnitude and specificity of visual perceptual learning in healthy humans.

Rokem A, Silver MA.

Curr Biol. 2010 Oct 12;20(19):1723-8. Epub 2010 Sep 16.


10/7/10  –  Nuo



10/6/10  –  Eyal (Kanwisher)

(Joint with Kanwisher)

Anticipatory haemodynamic signals in sensory cortex not predicted by local neuronal activity.

Sirotin YB, Das A.

Nature. 2009 Jan 22;457(7228):475-9.


9/23/10  –  Ethan

Summer psychophysics work in India


9/2/10  –  Paul

View-invariant object recognition ability develops after discrimination, not mere exposure, at several viewing angles.

Yamashita W, Wang G, Tanaka K.

Eur J Neurosci. 2010 Jan;31(2):327-35. Epub 2010 Jan 13.


8/12/10  –  David Pitcher (Kanwisher)

(Joint with Kanwisher)

TMS reveals two critical and functionally distinct time periods for early face and body perception


8/5/10  –  Najib

Task difficulty and the specificity of perceptual learning.

Ahissar M, Hochstein S.

Nature. 1997 May 22;387(6631):401-6.


Mechanisms of generalization in perceptual learning.

Liu Z, Weinshall D.

Vision Res. 2000;40(1):97-109.


7/22/10  –  Elias

Counting probability distributions: differential geometry and model selection.

Myung IJ, Balasubramanian V, Pitt MA.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Oct 10;97(21):11170-5.


7/15/10  –  Nuo

Monkeys quickly learn and generalize visual categories without lateral prefrontal cortex.

Minamimoto T, Saunders RC, Richmond BJ.

Neuron. 2010 May 27;66(4):501-7.


7/8/10   –  Arash


6/17/10  –  Pantea

Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon.

Churchland MM, Yu BM, Cunningham JP, Sugrue LP, Cohen MR, Corrado GS, Newsome WT, Clark AM, Hosseini P, Scott BB, Bradley DC, Smith MA, Kohn A, Movshon JA, Armstrong KM, Moore T, Chang SW, Snyder LH, Lisberger SG, Priebe NJ, Finn IM, Ferster D, Ryu SI, Santhanam G, Sahani M, Shenoy KV.

Nat Neurosci. 2010 Mar;13(3):369-78. Epub 2010 Feb 21.


6/11/10  –  Jingping Xu (Ooi)

Perceptual learning of interocular imbalance


6/10/10  –  Christian Leistner (Bischof)


6/3/10  –  Arash

Global and local fMRI signals driven by neurons defined optogenetically by type and wiring.

Lee JH, Durand R, Gradinaru V, Zhang F, Goshen I, Kim DS, Fenno LE, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K.

Nature. 2010 Jun 10;465(7299):788-92.


5/13/10  –  Abhi

Recent computational work


4/29/10  –  Nuo

Preliminary behavioral data


4/22/10  –  Julie Golomb (Kanwisher)

(Joint with Kanwisher)

fMRI data


4/15/10  –  Nuo

Learning-related fine-scale specificity imaged in motor cortex circuits of behaving mice.

Komiyama T, Sato TR, O’Connor DH, Zhang YX, Huber D, Hooks BM, Gabitto M, Svoboda K.

Nature. 2010 Apr 22;464(7292):1182-6. Epub 2010 Apr 7.


4/8/10  –  Arash

High-performance genetically targetable optical neural silencing by light-driven proton pumps.

Chow BY, Han X, Dobry AS, Qian X, Chuong AS, Li M, Henninger MA, Belfort GM, Lin Y, Monahan PE, Boyden ES.

Nature. 2010 Jan 7;463(7277):98-102.


3/25/10  –  Jamie Fitzgerald (Assad)


3/11/10  –  Elias

(Joint with Kanwisher)

fMRI data


2/18/10  –  Nicolas

A systematic comparison of state-of-the-art visual representations for solving invariant object recognition problems


2/4/10  –  David Pitcher (Kanwisher)

(Joint with Kanwisher)

Temporal precision of TMS to establish when faces and bodies are processed in different areas of human visual cortex


1/28/10  –  Rami Hagege (Stochastic Systems Group)

From Raw Data to Perception


1/21/10  –  Arash

Direct activation of sparse, distributed populations of cortical neurons by electrical microstimulation.

Histed MH, Bonin V, Reid RC.

Neuron. 2009 Aug 27;63(4):508-22.


1/14/10  –  Elias

Spatiotemporal precision and hemodynamic mechanism of optical point spreads in alert primates.

Sirotin YB, Hillman EM, Bordier C, Das A.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Oct 27;106(43):18390-5. Epub 2009 Oct 14.


12/17/09  –  Nuo

Relationships between the threshold and slope of psychometric and neurometric functions during perceptual learning: implications for neuronal pooling.

Gold JI, Law CT, Connolly P, Bennur S.

J Neurophysiol. 2010 Jan;103(1):140-54. Epub 2009 Oct 28.


12/10/09  –  Paul

Engagement of fusiform cortex and disengagement of lateral occipital cortex in the acquisition of radiological expertise.

Harley EM, Pope WB, Villablanca JP, Mumford J, Suh R, Mazziotta JC, Enzmann D, Engel SA.

Cereb Cortex. 2009 Nov;19(11):2746-54. Epub 2009 Mar 25.


12/3/09  –  Ed Vul (Kanwisher)

(Joint with Kanwisher)

Finding structure in ventral visual cortex with minimal assumptions


11/12/09  –  Nuo

SFN recap


11/2/09  –  Arash

(Joint with Kanwisher)

Spatial heterogeneity in perception of facial and form attributes


10/15/09  –  Nuo

SFN practice talk


10/8/09  –  Nuo

SFN practice talk


10/1/09  –  David Pitcher (Kanwisher)

(Joint with Kanwisher)

Face and Body fMRI activation in the STS


9/24/09  –  Najib

Decision-making with multiple alternatives.

Churchland AK, Kiani R, Shadlen MN.

Nat Neurosci. 2008 Jun;11(6):693-702. Epub 2008 May 18. Erratum in: Nat Neurosci. 2008 Jul;11(7):851.


9/17/09  –  Julie (Kanwisher)

Neural mechanisms of rapid natural scene categorization in human visual cortex.

Peelen MV, Fei-Fei L, Kastner S.

Nature. 2009 Jul 2;460(7251):94-7. Epub 2009 Jun 7.


9/10/09  –  Youssef

thesis work


9/3/09  –  Sam Cooke (Bear)

Instructive effect of visual experience in mouse visual cortex.

Frenkel MY, Sawtell NB, Diogo AC, Yoon B, Neve RL, Bear MF.

Neuron. 2006 Aug 3;51(3):339-49.


8/27/09  –  Nuo

Learning illumination- and orientation-invariant representations of objects through temporal association.

Wallis G, Backus BT, Langer M, Huebner G, Bülthoff H.

J Vis. 2009 Jul 10;9(7):6.


8/20/09  –  Elias

(Joint meeting with Kanwisher)

A face feature space in the macaque temporal lobe.

Freiwald WA, Tsao DY, Livingstone MS.

Nat Neurosci. 2009 Sep;12(9):1187-96. Epub 2009 Aug 9.


8/13/09  –  Arash

Face psychophysics


8/6/2009  –  Paul

Humans and macaques employ similar face-processing strategies.

Dahl CD, Wallraven C, Bülthoff HH, Logothetis NK.

Curr Biol. 2009 Mar 24;19(6):509-13. Epub 2009 Feb 26.


7/23/2009  –  Jim

Representing the forest before the trees: a global advantage effect in monkey inferotemporal cortex.

Sripati AP, Olson CR.

J Neurosci. 2009 Jun 17;29(24):7788-96.


7/8/2009  –  Nicolas

talk about his work


7/1/2009  –  Ruth Rosenholtz

Computational work on clutter


6/25/2009  –  Eric Schwartz (BU)

Surface flattening

A numerical simulation to the generalized mapmaker’s problem: flattening nonconvex polyhedral surfaces (IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1989).


6/11/2009  –  Paul

Comparing face patch systems in macaques and humans.

Tsao DY, Moeller S, Freiwald WA.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Dec 9;105(49):19514-9. Epub 2008 Nov 25.


5/14/2009  –  Jim

Millisecond-timescale optical control of neural dynamics in the nonhuman primate brain.

Han X, Qian X, Bernstein JG, Zhou HH, Franzesi GT, Stern P, Bronson RT, Graybiel AM, Desimone R, Boyden ES.

Neuron. 2009 Apr 30;62(2):191-8.


4/30/09  –  Daniel Drucker (UPenn)

Metric Properties of Neural Object Representation Spaces


Distinguishing conjoint and independent neural tuning for stimulus features with fMRI adaptation.

Drucker DM, Kerr WT, Aguirre GK.

J Neurophysiol. 2009 Jun;101(6):3310-24. Epub 2009 Apr 8.


Different spatial scales of shape similarity representation in lateral and ventral LOC.

Drucker DM, Aguirre GK.

Cereb Cortex. 2009 Oct;19(10):2269-80. Epub 2009 Jan 28.


4/23/09  –  Najib

Feature detection and letter identification.

Pelli DG, Burns CW, Farell B, Moore-Page DC.

Vision Res. 2006 Dec;46(28):4646-74. Epub 2006 Jun 30.


4/2/09  –  Elias

Attention alters visual plasticity during exposure-based learning.

Gutnisky DA, Hansen BJ, Iliescu BF, Dragoi V.

Curr Biol. 2009 Apr 14;19(7):555-60. Epub 2009 Mar 5.


3/26/09  –  Paul

Object representations in the temporal cortex of monkeys and humans as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Bell AH, Hadj-Bouziane F, Frihauf JB, Tootell RB, Ungerleider LG.

J Neurophysiol. 2009 Feb;101(2):688-700. Epub 2008 Dec 3.


3/19/09  –  Nuo

A synaptic memory trace for cortical receptive field plasticity.

Froemke RC, Merzenich MM, Schreiner CE.

Nature. 2007 Nov 15;450(7168):425-9.


3/12/09  –  Jim

Cosyne 2009 review


2/26/09  –  Nicole

Decoding reveals the contents of visual working memory in early visual areas.

Harrison SA, Tong F.

Nature. 2009 Apr 2;458(7238):632-5. Epub 2009 Feb 18.


1/29/09  –  Nuo

Stimulus similarity-contingent neural adaptation can be time and cortical area dependent.

Verhoef BE, Kayaert G, Franko E, Vangeneugden J, Vogels R.

J Neurosci. 2008 Oct 15;28(42):10631-40.


1/22/09  –  Elias

A neural code for three-dimensional object shape in macaque inferotemporal cortex.

Yamane Y, Carlson ET, Bowman KC, Wang Z, Connor CE.

Nat Neurosci. 2008 Nov;11(11):1352-60. Epub 2008 Oct 5.


1/7/09  –  Paul

Matching categorical object representations in inferior temporal cortex of man and monkey.

Kriegeskorte N, Mur M, Ruff DA, Kiani R, Bodurka J, Esteky H, Tanaka K, Bandettini PA.

Neuron. 2008 Dec 26;60(6):1126-41.


12/18/08  –  Youssef

Modeling work


12/10/08  –  Robert Ajemian (Bizzi)

Motor learning 


12/3/08 – Charlie Anderson (Wash U)



9/18/08  –  Elias

Patches with links: a unified system for processing faces in the macaque temporal lobe.

Moeller S, Freiwald WA, Tsao DY.

Science. 2008 Jun 6;320(5881):1355-9.


9/3/08  –  Ben

new version of MWorks


8/19/08  –  Jim

A model of V4 shape selectivity and invariance.

Cadieu C, Kouh M, Pasupathy A, Connor CE, Riesenhuber M, Poggio T.

J Neurophysiol. 2007 Sep;98(3):1733-50. Epub 2007 Jun 27.


8/5/08  –  Rebecca and Radhika



7/30/08  –  Nuo

Coding of shape and position in macaque lateral intraparietal area.

Janssen P, Srivastava S, Ombelet S, Orban GA.

J Neurosci. 2008 Jun 25;28(26):6679-90.


6/17/08  –  Nicolas

State of Art Computer Vision Models


5/13/08  –  Beau Cronin



5/4/08  –  Nuo

Rapid learning in cortical coding of visual scenes.

Yao H, Shi L, Han F, Gao H, Dan Y.

Nat Neurosci. 2007 Jun;10(6):772-8. Epub 2007 Apr 29.


4/30/08  –  Marino

Recording chronically from the same neurons in awake, behaving primates.

Tolias AS, Ecker AS, Siapas AG, Hoenselaar A, Keliris GA, Logothetis NK.

J Neurophysiol. 2007 Dec;98(6):3780-90. Epub 2007 Oct 17.


4/22/08  –  Paul

fMRI mapping of a morphed continuum of 3D shapes within inferior temporal cortex.

Tootell RB, Devaney KJ, Young JC, Postelnicu G, Rajimehr R, Ungerleider LG.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Mar 4;105(9):3605-9. Epub 2008 Feb 20.


4/15/08  –  Basma

Adaptation across the cortical hierarchy: low-level curve adaptation affects high-level facial-expression judgments.

Xu H, Dayan P, Lipkin RM, Qian N.

J Neurosci. 2008 Mar 26;28(13):3374-83.


3/25/08  –  Najib

Identifying natural images from human brain activity.

Kay KN, Naselaris T, Prenger RJ, Gallant JL.

Nature. 2008 Mar 20;452(7185):352-5. Epub 2008 Mar 5.


3/12/08  –  Mario

Object category structure in response patterns of neuronal population in monkey inferior temporal cortex.

Kiani R, Esteky H, Mirpour K, Tanaka K.

J Neurophysiol. 2007 Jun;97(6):4296-309. Epub 2007 Apr 11.


2/20/08  –  Nuo

Coysne practice talk


2/12/08  –  Paul

Face perception in monkeys reared with no exposure to faces.

Sugita Y.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jan 8;105(1):394-8. Epub 2008 Jan 2.


1/31/08  –  Nicole

practice job talk


1/23/08  –  Nicole

SunS practice talk


1/16/08  –  Basma

data on eye tracking in rat


12/5/07  –  Nicole

Sparseness Data


11/28/07  –  Benoit



11/13/07  –  Nicolas

A model of the ventral visual system based on temporal stability and local memory.

Wyss R, König P, Verschure PF.

PLoS Biol. 2006 May;4(5):e120. Epub 2006 Apr 18.


11/7/07  –  Nuo

Miniature eye movements enhance fine spatial detail.

Rucci M, Iovin R, Poletti M, Santini F.

Nature. 2007 Jun 14;447(7146):851-4.


10/28/07  –  Paul

Do humans and baboons use the same information when categorizing human and baboon faces?

Martin-Malivel J, Mangini MC, Fagot J, Biederman I.

Psychol Sci. 2006 Jul;17(7):599-607.


10/16/07  –  Nicole

Neurons in monkey visual area V2 encode combinations of orientations.

Anzai A, Peng X, Van Essen DC.

Nat Neurosci. 2007 Oct;10(10):1313-21. Epub 2007 Sep 16.


10/10/07  –  David (french)



10/4/07  –  Ben

Demonstration of artificial visual percepts generated through thalamic microstimulation.

Pezaris JS, Reid RC.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 1;104(18):7670-5. Epub 2007 Apr 23.


9/26/07  –  Jim

Neurometabolic coupling in cerebral cortex reflects synaptic more than spiking activity.

Viswanathan A, Freeman RD.

Nat Neurosci. 2007 Oct;10(10):1308-12. Epub 2007 Sep 9.


9/19/07  –  Basma

Judging distance from ocular convergence.

Brenner E, van Damme WJ.

Vision Res. 1998 Feb;38(4):493-8.


9/11/07  –  Davide

Rat behavioral data


9/4/07  –  Jim

Activity of inferior temporal cortical neurons predicts recognition choice behavior and recognition time during visual search.

Mruczek RE, Sheinberg DL.

J Neurosci. 2007 Mar 14;27(11):2825-36. Erratum in: J Neurosci. 2007 May 9;27(19):5265.


8/28/07  –  Najib

Dissociating stimulus information from internal representation–a case study in object recognition.

Liu Z, Kersten D, Knill DC.

Vision Res. 1999 Feb;39(3):603-12.


8/10/07  –  Nuo

The effect of gaze angle and fixation distance on the responses of neurons in V1, V2, and V4.

Rosenbluth D, Allman JM.

Neuron. 2002 Jan 3;33(1):143-9.


8/7/07  –  Paul

View-specific coding of face shape.

Jeffery L, Rhodes G, Busey T.

Psychol Sci. 2006 Jun;17(6):501-5.


7/16/07  –  guest talk


6/21/07  –  Nuo

show learning data from Monkey 1


6/12/07  –  Dave

Only some spatial patterns of fMRI response are read out in task performance.

Williams MA, Dang S, Kanwisher NG.

Nat Neurosci. 2007 Jun;10(6):685-6. Epub 2007 May 7.


5/29/07  –  Nuo

Unsupervised learning of visual features through spike timing dependent plasticity.

Masquelier T, Thorpe SJ.

PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Feb 16;3(2):e31. Epub 2007 Jan 2.


5/10/07  –  Paul

Modification of activity-dependent increases of cerebral blood flow by excitatory synaptic activity and spikes in rat cerebellar cortex.

Mathiesen C, Caesar K, Akgören N, Lauritzen M.

J Physiol. 1998 Oct 15;512 ( Pt 2):555-66.


4/17/07  –  Alex

MRI-based localization of electrophysiological recording sites within the cerebral cortex at single-voxel accuracy.

Matsui T, Koyano KW, Koyama M, Nakahara K, Takeda M, Ohashi Y, Naya Y, Miyashita Y.

Nat Methods. 2007 Feb;4(2):161-8. Epub 2006 Dec 17.


4/10/07  –  Nicole

discussion about sparsenes

Selectivity and sparseness in the responses of striate complex cells.

Lehky SR, Sejnowski TJ, Desimone R.

Vision Res. 2005 Jan;45(1):57-73.


4/3/07  –  Jim

Differential development of high-level visual cortex correlates with category-specific recognition memory.

Golarai G, Ghahremani DG, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Reiss A, Eberhardt JL, Gabrieli JD, Grill-Spector K.

Nat Neurosci. 2007 Apr;10(4):512-22. Epub 2007 Mar 11.


3/13/07  –  Nuo

How behavioral constraints may determine optimal sensory representations.

Salinas E.

PLoS Biol. 2006 Nov;4(12):e387.


2/27/07  –  Paul

Spatial specificity of BOLD versus cerebral blood volume fMRI for mapping cortical organization.

Smirnakis SM, Schmid MC, Weber B, Tolias AS, Augath M, Logothetis NK.

J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2007 Jun;27(6):1248-61. Epub 2007 Jan 10. Erratum in: J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2007 Jun;27(6):1290.


2/21/07  –  Nicole

practice talk


2/13/07  –  Nadja

Elemental and configural visual discrimination learning following lesions to perirhinal cortex in the rat.

Eacott MJ, Machin PE, Gaffan EA.

Behav Brain Res. 2001 Sep 28;124(1):55-70.



Local field potential reflects perceptual suppression in monkey visual cortex.

Wilke M, Logothetis NK, Leopold DA.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Nov 14;103(46):17507-12. Epub 2006 Nov 6.


1/23/07  –  Nicole

Bayesian inference with probabilistic population codes.

Ma WJ, Beck JM, Latham PE, Pouget A.

Nat Neurosci. 2006 Nov;9(11):1432-8. Epub 2006 Oct 22.


12/08/06 – Nuo


Comparison of shape encoding in primate dorsal and ventral visual pathways.

Lehky SR, Sereno AB.

J Neurophysiol. 2007 Jan;97(1):307-19. Epub 2006 Oct 4.


11/29/06  –  Paul

Comparison of shape encoding in primate dorsal and ventral visual pathways.

Lehky SR, Sereno AB.

J Neurophysiol. 2007 Jan;97(1):307-19. Epub 2006 Oct 4.


11/21/06  –   Nicolas

Present his work


10/17/06  –  Alex

Neuronal responses to object images in the macaque inferotemporal cortex at different stimulus discrimination levels.

Suzuki W, Matsumoto K, Tanaka K.

J Neurosci. 2006 Oct 11;26(41):10524-35.


9/26/06  –  Dave

Microstructure of a spatial map in the entorhinal cortex.

Hafting T, Fyhn M, Molden S, Moser MB, Moser EI.

Nature. 2005 Aug 11;436(7052):801-6. Epub 2005 Jun 19.


9/12/06  –  Nuo

Simulation data (SFN coming up)


8/22/06  –  Paul

High-resolution imaging reveals highly selective nonface clusters in the fusiform face area.

Grill-Spector K, Sayres R, Ress D.

Nat Neurosci. 2006 Sep;9(9):1177-85. Epub 2006 Aug 6. Erratum in: Nat Neurosci. 2007 Jan;10(1):133.


6/27/06  –  Paul

Direct and fast detection of neuronal activation in the human brain with diffusion MRI.

Le Bihan D, Urayama S, Aso T, Hanakawa T, Fukuyama H.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 May 23;103(21):8263-8. Epub 2006 May 15.


6/6/06  –  Jim

Norm-based face encoding by single neurons in the monkey inferotemporal cortex.

Leopold DA, Bondar IV, Giese MA.

Nature. 2006 Aug 3;442(7102):572-5. Epub 2006 Jul 5.


5/30/06  –  Alex

Negative functional MRI response correlates with decreases in neuronal activity in monkey visual area V1.

Shmuel A, Augath M, Oeltermann A, Logothetis NK.

Nat Neurosci. 2006 Apr;9(4):569-77. Epub 2006 Mar 19.


5/5/06  –  Paul

Object-selective responses in the human motion area MT/MST.

Kourtzi Z, Bülthoff HH, Erb M, Grodd W.

Nat Neurosci. 2002 Jan;5(1):17-8.


4/28/06  –  Nuo

Ultra-rapid object detection with saccadic eye movements: visual processing speed revisited.

Kirchner H, Thorpe SJ.

Vision Res. 2006 May;46(11):1762-76. Epub 2005 Nov 14.


4/25/06  –  Jennie

Automatic priming of semantically related words reduces activity in the fusiform gyrus.

Wheatley T, Weisberg J, Beauchamp MS, Martin A.

J Cogn Neurosci. 2005 Dec;17(12):1871-85.


3/29/06  –  Chou Hung

Receptive field properties of neurons in the early visual cortex revealed by local spectral reverse correlation.

Nishimoto S, Ishida T, Ohzawa I.

J Neurosci. 2006 Mar 22;26(12):3269-80.


12/8/05  –  Nuo Li

Testing the efficiency of sensory coding with optimal stimulus ensembles.

Machens CK, Gollisch T, Kolesnikova O, Herz AV.

Neuron. 2005 Aug 4;47(3):447-56.


10/25/05  –  Jim

Differences in onset latency of macaque inferotemporal neural responses to primate and non-primate faces.

Kiani R, Esteky H, Tanaka K.

J Neurophysiol. 2005 Aug;94(2):1587-96.